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Ride to Swim

By Wom Battle
Category: Rides

Today I'm still in Darwin enjoying the NT HOG® Rally.  On the agenda are two guided rides where members of the local HOG Chapter take the non locals on a scenic tour.  I picked the long one to Litchfield National Park, with no idea how far it might be or what was waiting for us.  The only instruction, bring your bathers.  OK, why not!

We were due for an 8.30am start at the rally site and after an unfortunate delay we all met up again at NT Motorcycle Centre to "start again". I took the opportunity on the way to fill the tank on my Road King® still not sure how far we were going today.  There were about 40 bikes in the group and we headed south.  I have to say it was a new and enjoyable experience riding in a group that large with NT's 130kph speed limit, although the Stuart Hwy south isn't all that inspiring.

We turned right to head towards Batchelor and the inspiration soon came.  A rest and a fuel stop, I was surprised we'd done nearly 90 k's and then off we went again, turning left on to the Litchfield Park Road and had a magic ride through the National Park.  A good sealed surface and lots of corners, with plenty to look at, beautiful scenery, termite mounds and terrain like I've never seen.

Traffic was also scarce, so I was very surprised when we turned right on to a non-descript road and were soon in a carpark full of cars, motor homes, a few buses and now some Harley-Davidsons. A tourist mecca with the tourists soon settling down when they realised that the Harley riders arriving en masse were the "nice ones".

I had the budgie smugglers on under my riding gear, not really intending to use them but after a short walk from the carpark we were presented with a beautiful rockpool being fed by two waterfalls. It was magic, the day was hot, the water was cool so the lilly white body saw the sun for the first time in ages and a few of us hit the water for a refreshing half hour.  Actually it was the perfect break after 150k's or so riding in the warmth and my first swim in Australia in winter for many, many years.

On the way back I decided to check out another touristy spot just called "Termite Mounds". I tooks some snaps and let the group get well ahead. By myself I took the opportunity to really enjoy the winding road back to Batchelor. The next stop was the Humpty Doo Pub, where the Giants were playing again so, still by myself I plugged it into the GPS and found my way there.

It was packed, the band were loud and quite a few Rally attendees were there as well.  After a couple of drinks and a chat I doubled a friend back to the Rally site, had a coffee and took my Road King back to the hotel to get ready to return for the third night of partying.

Another great meal, another great band, the obligatory award presentation.  All good fun.  I decided not to leave Darwin until Tuesday morning.  I hadn't seen any of the city and wanted to look around before I left, and also to rest up and plan properly for the ride home for which a plan was hatching.  Given that I didn't have to ride tomorrow, maintaining my wits was not a priority for tonight.


Disclaimer: This non commercial website and its content is not affiliated with or associated in any way with the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Harley-Davidson Australia, the Harley-Davidson Owners Group® or any Harley-Davidson® Dealers in Australia.  The use of the terms Harley-Davidson, and Road King® are unavoidable because that's what I own and ride.  This website,  called "My Harley Davidson" , and any opinions or comments expressed herein are purely about my Harley-Davidson Road King ownership experience, a truly great experience at that. I have no intention whatsoever to infringe on any trademarks or copyright ownership of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company or anyone else.

February 2025