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State HOG Rally Bathurst Day 2

By Wom Battle

Up early this morning and happily met by a beautiful day, hardly a cloud in the sky.  Looking out of the windows in the Rydges I could see the area the campers who were attending the rally were set up.  I opened to door to the balcony and my first thought was ")I&* it's cold!".  The door was shut quickly and Zander and I went down for breakfast.

We were planning on meeting the muster for the planned ride at 8.30am and I needed to find an ATM and fuel up before then, kicking myself as usual because these things should have really been done when we arrived yesterday leaving us ready for today. We rushed out and rode into town, quickly found an ATM and a servo but were cutting it close for time.  I wasn't rushed, expecting the ride to leave a little late and told Zander we'd gear up fully for the cold and put the earplugs in just before the ride left.  We arrived back at Mt Panorama at exactly 8.30am just as the riders were leaving, right on time.  Zander mentioned we weren't geared up and I responded that we probably wouldn't be going far or fast because of the impressive size of the group so it probably didn't matter.  Wrong. I also made a joke about not going to the reputedly freezing town of Oberon. Wrong again.

From Mt Panorama we turned right and wound our way out to Burraga an incredibly scenic ride, nice winding roads attacked at the speed limit and not 1kph less.  The type of ride I like, but not what I was expecting.  We were quite cold at Burraga and then turned off and upwards towards, you guessed it, Oberon.  Again, the pace over the was great, the ride was great but the thin gloves and short sleeves under the jacket weren't doing anything to keep it pleasant.  By the time we arrived in the main street of Oberon my hands were numb, blue and I was shivering uncontrollably.  Zander was better, he had the benefit of me as a windbreak.

We quickly found coffee at the Cafe Savanna and I ordered two for me, one to warm each hand. Others on the ride soon joined us and the conversation flowed as we all thawed.  Everyone though, as usual, was smiling and had enjoyed the ride immensely.  We whine about the cold but accept it gladly as part of our love of riding our Harley-Davidson® motorcycles.  The coffee at the Cafe Savanna by the way was exceptionally good.

By 10.30am Sander and I were ready to head back to Bathurst and decided to leg it before the group headed back at 11. This time with my BMW Pro Winter 2 gloves on, the long sleeved SJ and the earplugs in we were ready for the conditions.  We travelled back to Mt Panorama via O'Connelly Road, another great ride.

When we arrived back they were running Helicopter flights around the mountain so we took the opportunity to sign up before the masses arrived back and soon found ourselves in the air.  They weighed us before we got in, it'a amazing how heavy all the leather motorcycle gear is, my weight was way overstated!  After the chopper ride it was time to head back to the Rydges for lunch and then back to the Rally site for the Chapter Challenge Gymkhana.

The gymkhana was well run and well attended, lots of competitors and Zander, @officerhardass, Krittie and I took part in almost everything for a laugh and also to represent our local Chapter with the others there.  Only @officerhardass came up empty for the day, a fact we will remind him of for some time to come.  Without having access to the score tally, I think our local chapter may have won it!

After the Chapter Challenge we were well fed and the party began.  They had a number of electronic games and pinball machines available for free, so I quickly took the opportunity to smash the high score in Galaga and settled in for too many G & T's, great music by the Wolverines and plenty of socialising.  Awesome day!


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September 2024