The walk had begun, a fear, a sense of dread, a little hysteria (fuelled by a couple of double shots of coffee before we left) it was the day to make the announcement. About 2ks into it and after quite a big hill and a nice chat the time was right. I said "I don't want to wait until I'm 50 to get another bike, I'd like to get one now...." There was some silence, I wasn't sure I was heard. I wondered if I'd actually said it out loud...
Then..."Yes?" It sounded like a question not an answer. I felt the need to provide some more information so it was time to whip the plan out. I spoke of taking the opportunity to save money in the future by spending less now, mentioned the proposed budget of 15k and stated categorically that I didn't need to buy a new bike. She said "I can't see you getting anything that's not new! When are you going to ride it?"
Ouch! I didn't have that one covered. Think quickly, find some time... Married, three kids, self employed and work long hours, weekends fairly full with kids sport, exercise, keeping the house in order and "important family things".
Bugger! She had me! So I said, "That's the point! If I can't find the time to ride it I won't make the mistake of spending a fortune in three years to buy the bike I actually want!. (Stick to the plan.)
After a couple of more brief exchanges she said "OK." It was clear that my plan was meaningless, the reasons were excuses and she saw straight through it all. The fact was, it was really "OK" and my search for a bike was about to start.